Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I have to start sometime...

In an effort to keep this blog from being yet another unrealized project, here is my first post! (yay)

For Christmas, the b/f's sister gave me Ruth Singer's The Sewing Bible, the U.S. edition of Sew It Up. And like any aspiring crafster I drank it up and thought "O holy cow, she makes it all sound so easy - can't wait to start." My bedside table was cleared off, my manicure kit and nail polish were banished to the second shelf, and my bible was given its proper place within arm's reach with whispered promises of nightly perusing and daily sewing.

Flash forward 2 months and I've got... NOTHING!

Well. That's a lie. I've read it. Many times. But, for my life I can't get started with any of the projects.

But I do have what I think is a fabulous/fun/probably-hideous-by-an-outsider's-opinion idea for her Trapunto Cushion.

Ruth's cushion, just to clarify, does not fall into the same probably-hideous-by-an-outsider's-opinion category. Here is purse she made by the same method.

Trapunto quilting is done by stiching a design through two layers of fabric, cutting the backing and stuffing to fill out the shape. Using a fabric with a bit of sheen helps make the shapes pop more.

Last I checked, I'm not totally inept when sewing by hand (although last time I checked it was the summer between 3rd and 4th grade and I had just been bumped up from the Beginner's Sewing class to the Advanced Beginner's Sewing class). I fell in love with the simplicity of the project and I immediately began brainstorming. I would love (pronounced la-hov) to do structural patterns like bridges and barns and skylines.

Most likely not the ferris wheel but definitely the bridge and the buildings similar to this picture. For the thin lines I wouldn't want to attempt stuffing them; instead I'd use a tight embroidery stitch to make the straight lines. I could also be a little bit country and do something like this minus the tree and hills.

On a roll, I kept coming up with ideas. I could do a simple train or the Eiffel Tower or the Sears Tower. Nevermind that Ruth sticks with organic and soft shapes; I decided it's all possible. In an uncharacteristic move, I braved the January weather to walk 15 minutes to the discount fabric store. After an epic fight with my zipper (which I lost), dodging between cabs on streets where traffic laws and stop lights are optional, and side stepping slush puddles the size of my kitchen, I entered sewing heaven and bought...umm... I believe the technical name is ... shiny fabric.

I really have no idea what I bought but it's pretty and I love it. And it's been sitting in the bag ever since. I've lost quite a bit of momentum and am afraid that my cushions will end up looking more like this.

I did, a few weeks ago, buy a cheap embroidery hoop and the b/f got me a fabric marker for V-day. Hopefully the shiny fabric (lining?) won't stay in the bag too much longer.

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